EUCLIPSE General Assembly meeting

The 4rd EUCLIPSE General Assembly meeting was held from June 10 till June 14 2013 in Hamburg, Germany and was hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology.
This was a combined CFMIP (Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project) GCSS Boundary Layer Cloud Working Group - EUCLIPSE (European Union Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study and Evaluation Project) meeting.
The themes of the meeting were:
1. Clouds and precipitation in a changing climate.
2. Coupling between cloud processes and the atmospheric circulation.
3. The ability of models to simulate cloud processes, and the impact of errors on model predictive capabilities.
Meeting sessions were held for specific activities relevant to these themes, including:
The GASS/CFMIP Cloud Feedback case (CGILS).
The Clouds On/Off Climate Intercomparison Experiment (COOKIE).
The Astex Lagrangian and Composite Lagrangian GASS/EUCLIPSE stratocumulus/cumulus transition cases.
This meeting provided an opportunity to share new results from all aspects of CFMIP-2, EUCLIPSE and related GASS activities.
It also was an opportunity to discuss the contribution of CFMIP/GASS/EUCLIPSE activities to the newly launched WCRP Grand Challenge on "Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity", now available via CFMIP strategy and plans .
The Thursday afternoon and Friday the focus was on practical issues related to the EUCLIPSE European project(next steps, update on cross-cutting issues, book, summerschool etc.).
Agenda including presentations
List of participants
Relevant links:
CFMIP website .
GCSS website .