Agenda CFMIP/EUCLIPSE meeting,

Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee,

8-11th July 2014


(Subject to revision - Last Updated 3 July 2014)


Tuesday 8th July - EUCLIPSE (All welcome)


8:00        Registration and sign up for BBQ, welcome coffee.


9:00        Welcome, introduction and logistics (Pier Siebesma).


Work Package Update & Evaluation (15 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion).


9:10        WP1 George Tselioudis.

9:35        WP2 Sandrine Bony.

10:00      WP3 Stephan de Roode.

10:25      WP4 Bjorn Stevens.

10:50      WP0 Pier Siebesma.


11:00      Coffee


Invited oral presentations.


11:30      Evaluation of clouds simulated by the LMDZ5 GCM using A-train satellite observations

               (CALIPSO-PARASOL-CERES). Dimitra Konsta (AA, LMD/IPSL)

11:45      Clouds over West Africa within EUCLIPSE: process-based studies and evaluation of

               models Françoise Guichard (CNRM). presented by Dominique Bouniol

12:00      Steady-state stratocumulus in present day and future climate.

               Johan J. van der Dussen (TUD)

12:15      Evaluation of low-clouds climate feedback through SCM equilibrium states.

               Sara Dal Gesso (KNMI)


12:30      Discussion & Questions


13:00      Lunch


Overview and Summary of the EUCLIPSE Project.


14:00      Evaluation & Understanding of Cloud-Circulation Couplings.

               Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL, CNRS).

14:30      Questions & Discussions

14:45      Physical Understanding of how cloud processes respond and feedback on climate change.

               Pier Siebesma (KNMI).

15:15      Question & Discussions


15:30      Coffee & Tea


16:00      Guidance to Parameterization Improvements of cloud related processes.

               Björn Stevens( MPI-M)


16:30      Questions and Discussions

16:45      Future Plans

17:45      Close, Pier Siebesma



Wednesday 9th July - CFMIP/EUCLIPSE


8:30        Registration and sign up for BBQ

9:00        CFMIP Update. Mark Webb (MO)


Submitted oral presentations (15 minutes including 2 minutes questions).


Cloud feedbacks, adjustments and climate sensitivity


9:15        The strength of the tropical inversion and its response to climate change in 18 CMIP5

               Models. Stephen Klein (LLNL)

9:30        Global-mean radiative feedbacks and forcing in atmosphere-only and fully-coupled

               climate change experiments. Mark Ringer (MOHC)

9:45        Multi-Parameter Multi-Physics Ensemble (MPMPE): A New Approach Exploring the

               Uncertainties of Climate Sensitivity. Hideo Shiogama (NIES)


10:00      Coffee


10:30      Climate sensitivity on an idealized land planet. Tobias Becker (MPI-M)

10:45      Tropical Low-clouds in CMIP5 models : How vertical distribution are linked to climate

               sensitivity? Florent Brient (ETH)

11:00      Cloud feedback parameters derived from NICAM AMIP-like simulations.

               C. Kodama (JAMSTEC)

11:15      The non-linear dependence of radiative feedbacks on global temperature change.

               Timothy Andrews (MOHC)


11:30      Discussion


12:00      Lunch & Posters




          Analysis of cloud feedbacks in the coupled superparameterized climate model SP-CCSM4. Christopher Bretherton (UW)

          Vertical profile analysis of cloud feedbacks in MRI-CGCM3. Hideaki Kawai (MRI)

          Cloud Responses to Global Warming Simulated by Two Different Cloud Microphysical Schemes Implemented in a Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM.). Ying-Wen Chen (JAMSTEC)

          Examining the relative role of shallow and deep convection in the response of low cloud cover to warming SST. Jessica Vial (LMD/IPSL)

          Using temporal variability to constrain tropical low-cloud feedbacks. Florent Brient (ETH)

          Inter-model spread in hydrological sensitivity is small. Dagmar Popke (MPI-M)

          Extreme precipitation and heat/cold statistics for the prescribed present vs. RCP8.5 derived SSTs in simulations using the T85 SP-CAM. Marat Khairoutdinov (Stonybrook University)

          Assessment of clouds and radiation within MJO disturbances in observations and CMIP5/CFMIP2 climate models. Romain Roehrig (CNRM)


Oral presentations


14:00      Impact of a shallow convection parameterization to the cloud feedback in MIROC5. Tomoo Ogura (NIES)

14:15      Observed Changes in Cloud Cover from MISR and MODIS over the Past Decade.

               Roger Marchand (UW)

14:30      The Selected Process On/Off Klimate Intercomparison Experiment (SPOOKIE).

               Mark Webb (MOHC)

14:45      Understanding Stratocumulus Cloud Regime Biases and Responses in Climate Models to

               Constrain Cloud Radiative Response Uncertainties. Yoko Tsushima (MOHC)

15:00      Factors controlling shortwave cloud feedbacks in Multi-Parameter Multi-Physics Ensemble

               (MPMPE). Youichi Kamae (NIES)


15:15      Coffee


Cloud circulation coupling


15:45      Do jet shifts matter for 21st century Southern Ocean cloud-climate feedbacks?

               Jennifer E. Kay (U. Colorado)

16:00      Poleward shift of clouds, their radiative effects, and the role of midlatitude storms and

               the Hadley circulation. George Tselioudis (NASA/GISS)

16:15      Cloud radiation feedback essential for Madden-Julian Oscillation. Traute Crueger (MPI-M)

16:30      Self-aggregation of convection in a GCM run in radiative convective equilibrium (RCE)

               configuration. David Coppin (LMD/IPSL)

16:45      The Role of Non-Convective Condensation Processes in Response of Shortwave Cloud

               Radiative Forcing to El Niño Warming. Lijuan Li (LASG)


17:00      Discussion


17:30      Close



Thursday 10th July - CFMIP/EUCLIPSE


Submitted oral presentations (15 minutes including 2 minutes questions)


Precipitation in a changing climate


9:00        Robust increase of the equatorial Pacific rainfall and its variability in a warmed climate.

               M. Watanabe (AORI)

9:15        The cloud radiative effect on the atmospheric energy budget and global mean

               precipitation.  F. Hugo Lambert (U. Exeter)

9:30        Understanding regional uncertainty in CMIP5 tropical precipitation projections.

               Rob Chadwick (MOHC)

9:45        Increases in organised tropical convection as a driver of rainfall trends - how the rich

               get richer. Christian Jakob (Monash University)

10:00      Interpreting inter-model spread in regional precipitation projections.

               Boutheina Oueslati (LMD/IPSL)


10:15      Discussion


10:30      Coffee


Process oriented model climate model evaluation using observations and fine scale models


11:00      The Assessment of Climate Models using Numerical Weather Prediction.

               Mark J. Rodwell (ECMWF)

11:15      The behavior of trade-wind cloud amount and its large-scale controls in observations, the

               ECMWF model and high frequency output from CMIP5 models. Louise Nuijens (MPI-M)

11:30      The representation of stratocumulus clouds and its impact on the anthropogenic aerosol

               effect. David Neubauer

11:45      The diurnal cycle of wind and convection over the tropical Pacific Ocean.

               Brian Medeiros (NCAR)

12:00      Is the Transpose-AMIP approach useful for improving the CNRM model?

               Romain Roehrig


12:15      Discussion


12:30      Lunch & Posters




          Improvements in global cloud-system resolving simulations by using a double-moment bulk cloud microphysics scheme. Tatsuya Seiki (JAMSTEC)

          Coupling between convection and large-scale circulation. Tobias Becker (MPI-M)

          The impact of cloud size-distribution on entrainment and detrainment rates in an LES of shallow convection. Philip Austin (CCCMA)

          Cloud Biases in CMIP5 using MISR, ISCCP, and COSP Simulators. B. Hillman (UW). Presented by Roger Marchand (UW).

          Evaluation of global cloud distributions in the present climate simulated by MRI-CGCM3 using COSP Tsuyoshi Koshiro (MRI)

          The New Microphysic Cloud Scheme Implemented in RegCM4. Rita Nogherotto (ICTP)

          Controlling entrainment in the smoke cloud using level set-based front tracking.Eckhard Dietze (Brandenburg Univ. of Technology)


Oral presentations    


14:30      On the possible role of cloud heterogeneity to explain the discrepancy between the

               observed and simulated relationship between cloud reflectance and cloud fraction for an

               ensemble of CMIP5 models. Jean-Louis Dufresne (LMD/IPSL)

14:45      On the relation between albedo, cloud fraction and aerosol optical depth in climate

               models and satellite observations. Frida Bender (MISU)

15:00      Reasons for (and consequences of) the summer mid-latitude warm bias over land in

               CMIP5 models. Hervé Douville (CNRM)

15:15      Evaluation and Improvement of Clouds Simulated by the Global Nonhydrostatic Model

               NICAM and Satellite Data. Masaki Satoh (AORI)    


15:30      Coffee         


16:00      Wrapping up LES Phase 2 of CGILS. Christopher Bretherton (Univ. Washington)

16:15      Large eddy simulation of mid-latitude continental shallow cumulus. Yunyan Zhang (LLNL)

16:30      Responses of subtropical marine stratocumulus cloud to perturbed lower atmospheres.

               Akira T. Noda (JAMSTEC)

16:45      Airmass transformations and clouds in the Arctic. Gunilla Svensson (MISU)

17:00      The EUCLIPSE model intercomparison study on stratocumulus equilibria: first phase

               results. Sara Dal Gesso (KNMI).


17:15      Discussion


17:45      Close



Friday 11th July - CFMIP/EUCLIPSE


 (Invited talks)


WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity


9:00        WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity.

               Björn Stevens (MPI-M)

9:10        Four questions for the Grand Challenge and related themes.

               Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL, CNRS)

9:30        Discussion of Grand Challenge questions and themes


10.15      Coffee


Links between the Grand Challenge, CFMIP and related projects


10.:45     Links between Palaeoclimate and Future climate. Pascale Braconnot (LSCI-IPSL)

11:00      The GEWEX Process Evaluation Study PROES. Christian Jakob (Monash Univ.)

11:15      IMPULSE Project. Pier Siebesma (KNMI)

11:30      RFMIP. Robert Pincus (by Skype). (Univ. of Colorado)

11:45      Links with GASS. Steve Klein (LNLL)


12:00      Discussion


12:45      Lunch


13:45      The Structure of the CMIP6 experimental design. Björn Stevens (MPI-M)

14:00      COSP in CMIP6/CFMIP-3 . Alejandro Bodas-Salcedo (MO)

14:15      Overview of proposed CFMIP-3/CMIP6 experimental design. Mark Webb (MO)


14:45      Discussion


15:30      Coffee


16:00      Concluding discussion


16:30      Meeting Close




