CFMIP/GCSS/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks,

        The Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom,

6th-10th June, 2011.



Monday 6th June – Understanding, evaluating and improving the representation of clouds and

cloud feedbacks in global models


Last updated 1st June


Please note that oral slots include 5 minutes for questions.


Monday  6th June


9:00 Registration (Reception) and Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


Monday Morning Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


9:30      Opening and welcome – practical issues (Mark Webb/Adrian Lock, Met Office)

9:40      CFMIP within the context of CMIP5 and AR5. Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL)

10:00    GCSS Overview. Jon Petch (Met Office)

10:20    EUCLIPSE Overview. Pier Siebesma (KNMI)


10:40    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


11:10    Evaluating Southern Ocean clouds and radiation biases - New techniques and results.

            Christian Jakob (Monash University)

11:30    Reconciling GCM-simulated and satellite-observed views of clouds: MODIS, ISCCP and

            the applicability of instrument simulators.  Robert Pincus (Univ. of Colorado)

11:50    Cloud, radiation, and precipitation changes with midlatitude storm strength and frequency

and the resulting climate feedbacks in observations and models.

George Tselioudis (Academy of Athens)


12:10    Poster introductions


12:30    Lunch (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony) and Posters (Green Island Conf 2)



Monday  6th June  Posters


Masakazu Yoshimori (Univ of Tokyo)

Jui-Lin Li (JPL/CalTech)

Stephen A. Klein (PCMDI/LLNL)

Shin-ichi Iga (RIKEN)

Great Plains. Yunyan Zhang (PCMDI)

Cyril Morcrette (Met Office)

variability in the CanAM4. Patrick Taylor (NASA Langley)

Feedbacks.  De-Zheng Sun (NOAA)


Monday Afternoon Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


14:00    Can estimates of climate variations during the satellite observation periode be used to

contrains cloud feedbacks under global warming?  Yoko Tsushima (Met Office)

14:20    Response of upper clouds in global warming experiments obtained using a global non-

            hydrostatic model with explicit cloud processes.   Masaki Satoh (Univ. of Tokyo/JAMSTEC)

14:40    Transient cloud changes and reversibility in idealized climate change scenarios.

Mark Ringer (Met Office).

15:00    CMIP Low Cloud Feedback Interpreted Through a Mixed-Layer Model.

            Peter Caldwell (PCMDI/LLNL)

15:20    Climate feedbacks in idealized radiative-convective equilibrium simulations with

tropical cyclones. Marat Khairoutdinov (Stony Brook, NY)


15:40    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony) & Posters (Conf 2)


16:10    Hazy aquaplanet experiments with CAM5. Brian Medeiros (NCAR)

16:30    Fast and slow timescales in the tropical low-cloud response to increasing CO2 in

two climate models. Masahiro Watanabe (AORI)

16:50    Forcing, feedbacks and equilibrium climate sensitivity of the CMIP5 models.

            Timothy Andrews (Met Office)

17:10    Rapid cloud adjustments, cloud feedbacks and large-scale forcings. Mark Webb (Met Office)


17:30    Discussion


18:00    Drinks and canapé reception. (Ground Floor ‘The Street’)


19:30    Coaches provided back to central Exeter (to the Jury’s Inn and White Hart)


Tuesday 7th June – AM  Understanding, evaluating and improving the representation of

clouds and cloud feedbacks in global models - continued


Tuesday Morning Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


09:00    Clouds and climate sensitivity in two recently released versions of the Community

Atmosphere Model (CAM). J.E. Kay (NCAR)

9:20      Physics Parameter Ensemble of MIROC5 AOGCM.

Tomoo Ogura on behalf of Hideo Shiogama (NIES)

9:40      Diagnosing cloud feedbacks using nonlinear radiative kernels.  Ben Sanderson (NCAR)

10:00    Cloud feedbacks relevant to the tropospheric energy budget.

F. Hugo Lambert (Exeter University)

10:20    A methodology to analyze the response of clouds and precipitation to climate change

simulated by climate models. Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL)


10:40    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


11:10    Analysis of mechanisms controlling tropical low cloud feedback in IPSLCM5a model.  

Florent Brient (LMD)

11:30    Present-day biases and future changes in intra-seasonal variability of European

temperatures: a multi-model analysis from CMIP5 and CFMIP2. J. Cattiaux, (MeteoFrance)

11:50    A Novel Technique for Computing and Partitioning Cloud Feedbacks. Mark Zelinka, (PCMDI)


12:10 Poster introductions


12:30 Lunch (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony) and Posters (Green Island Conf 2)


Posters Tuesday 7th June


Deck Regions and the Rest of the Subtropics and Tropics, Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley)

developed at LMD on atmospheric research observatories. F. Cheruy (LMD)

resolving model.  Yoko Tsushima (Met Office)

observational analysis and evaluation of climate models.

Romain Roehrig and Sandrine Bony (LMD/IPSL)

Hervé Douville (CNRM)

Tokuta Yokohata (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Xin Qu (UCLA)

Chris Bretherton and Chris Jones (Univ. of Washington)



Tuesday Afternoon Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


14:00    GEWEX Cloud Assessment: a review  Claudia Stubenrauch (CNRS/IPSL)

14:20    Atmosphere feedbacks during ENSO in CGCMs.  Eric Guilyardi (IPSL/NCAS)

14:40    Transpose-AMIP.  Keith Williams (Met Office)

15:00    Progress using initial tendency and short-range forecast error methodologies.

Mark Rodwell, Daniel Klocke (ECMWF)

15:20    Evaluation of the IPSL climate model in weather-forecast mode. 

Solange Fermepin, Sandrine Bony, Laurent Fairhead and Jean-Yves Grandpeix. (LMD/IPSL)


15:40    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony) & Posters (Conf 2)


16:10    Evaluation of two cloud parametrization schemes using ARM and Cloud-Net observations.

Cyril Morcrette (Met Office)

16:30    Synthesis of ground-based atmospheric measurements from three European observatories:

 their utility for climate model evaluation in the framework of the EUCLIPSE project.

Martial Haeffelin for M. Chiriaco (CNRS/IPSL)

16:50    Simulation of cloud radiative forcing over land with ARPEGE: the case of West Africa.

            Françoise Guichard (CNRS)


17:10 Discussion


Wednesday 8th June   AM ASTEX and composite transition cases


Wednesday Morning Plenary (Green Island Conf 2)


9:00      ASTEX and Composite cases : introduction. Stephan de Roode/Irina Sandu

9:20      ASTEX LES results.  Stephan de Roode (TU Delft)

9.50      Composite LES results. Irina Sandu (ECMWF)


10:20    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


10:50    ASTEX and Composite SCM results.  Roel Neggers (KNMI)

11:50    Discussion of Lagrangian cases, where next, etc


12:20    Poster introductions


12:30 Lunch  and Posters (Ground Floor ‘The Street’ )


Wednesday 8th June Posters:


Isabelle Beau (Meteo-France)

turbulence scheme.  Grant Firl (CSU)

Joao Teixeira (JPL)

in the stratocumulus to cumulus transition regions. 

Johannes Karlsson  (Stockholm University)

How do we ensure a fair comparison? Richard Forbes (ECMWF)

Hideaki Kawai (JMA)

cumulus clouds. Philip Austin (UBC)

Anning Cheng (NASA Langley)

Steve Krueger  (Univ of Utah)

Chris Bretherton (Univ of Washington)


Wednesday 8th June – PM  Using COSP to evaluate clouds in global models

(Parallel session Green Island Conf 2)


14:00    ISCCP Simulator Developments: Application in Models and Evaluation with

Ground-based Data.  Stephen A. Klein (PCMDI/LLNL)

14:20    Multi-model analysis of clouds by using satellite simulators

A. Bodas-Salcedo (Met Office)

14:40    A glance at compensating errors between low-level cloud fraction and cloud optical

properties using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite retrievals. Christine Nam (LMD)

15:00    Using COSP to evaluate clouds in the CanAM4 and CanESM2.

Philip Austin (UBC) for Jason N.S. Cole (Env Canada)


15:20    Coffee & Posters (Ground Floor ‘The Street’ )


15:50    An Assessment of Cloud Properties Simulated by NICAM Using ISCCP, CALIPSO

and CloudSat Satellite Simulators.  C. Kodama (JAMSTEC)

16:10    A process oriented description of oceanic clouds derived from A-train observation,

for climate model evaluation.  Helene Chepfer (IPSL)

16:30    Exploring the southern ocean short-wave anomaly using an across scales approach. 

Paul Field (Met Office)

16:50    MISR, ISCCP and MODIS simulators: current results and plans for AR5. 

Roger Marchand (Univ. of Washington)


17:10    Discussion


Wednesday 8th June – PM  GCSS Boundary Layer Cloud General Science Talks (Parallel session Conf 1)


14:00    Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in Boundary-Layer Clouds: Perspectives from Macrophysics

based on Multi-Variate Probability Distribution Functions with Dynamics. Leo Donner (GFDL)

14:20    MLM results of stratocumulus equilibrium.  Stephan de Roode (TU Delft)

14:40    Decoupling of the boundary layer preceding the breaking up of the stratocumulus cloud

deck in DALES.  Johan van der Dussen (TU Delft)

15:00    A climatology of boundary layer height using remote sensing observations

Joao P A Martins (Univ. of Lisbon)


15:20    Coffee & Posters (Ground Floor ‘The Street’ )


15:50    Assessing the role of dynamics-microphysics-radiation interactions in maintenance of

Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer clouds using ISDAC-based simulations.

Mikhail Ovchinnikov (PNNL)

16:10    Humidity structure in the subtropics from observations and reanalysis. Louise Nuijens (MPI)

16:30    Computations of the moist entropy for Stratocumulus and Cumulus from observations and

simulations. Pascal Marquet (Meteo-France)

16:50    Steady-State Large-Eddy Simulations to study the Stratocumulus to Shallow-Cumulus

Cloud Transition. Joao Teixeira and Daniel Chung (JPL)


17:10    Discussion



Thursday 9th June – AM  CGILS SCM/LES cloud feedback intercomparison case


Thursday Morning Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


9:00      CGILS: Introduction and LES intercomparison results. Peter Blossey (UofW)

10:00    Sensitivity of the IPSL climate change low cloud feedback to physical

Parameterizations using the CGILS framework.  Florent Brient (LMD/IPSL)

10:20    Met Office SCM results from CGILS: a positive feedback driven by evaporatively driven

cloud-top entrainment?  Adrian Lock (Met Office)


10:40    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


11:10    Steady-state solutions of clouds topped boundary layer in a perturbed climate

Sara Dal Gesso (KNMI)

11:30    A new (positive) cloud feedback. Bjorn Stevens (MPI)

11:50    What have we learnt from CGILS? Minghua Zhang (Stony Brook University)

12:20    Discussion of future CGILS activities


1:00 Lunch (no posters this day) ( Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


Thursday 9th June – PM  Radiation intercomparison


Thursday Afternoon Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


14:00    EUCLIPSE radiation intercomparison study for stratocumulus.  S. Dal Gesso (KNMI)

14:30    Discussion of radiation intercomparison


14:45    Update on GPCI and Sc-to-Cu CPT.  Joao Teixeira (JPL)


15:00    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


15:30 CFMIP/EUCLIPSE Next Steps discussion


COSP Issues

CFMIP-2 data availability

Coordination of CFMIP-2 analysis?


16:30 CFMIP/GCSS meeting close


17:00    Joint CFMIP/EUCLIPSE/GCSS Committee meeting (by invitation) (Room C2/1+2)


Friday 10th June - AM EUCLIPSE summaries, practical issues and next steps


Friday Morning Plenary (Green Island Conf 1/2)


9:00      EUCLIPSE project information, Pier Siebesma

9:00      WP1 George Tselioudis

9:30      WP2 Sandrine Bony


10:00    Coffee (Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)


10:30    WP3 Stephan De Roode

11:00    WP4 Bjorn Stevens

11:30    General discussion


12:00 EUCLIPSE Meeting close


12:00 Lunch  ( Green Island 2nd Floor Balcony)