ZMAW, Hamburg, Germany

(including hotel information)


The joint EUCLIPSE - CFMIP meeting will take place 10 - 14 June 2013 in Hamburg, Germany.


The themes of the meeting will be:

1. Clouds and precipitation in a changing climate.
2. Coupling between cloud processes and the atmospheric circulation.
3. The ability of models to simulate cloud processes, and the impact of errors on model predictive capabilities.

Meeting sessions are planned for specific activities relevant to these themes, including:
The GASS/CFMIP Cloud Feedback case (CGILS).
The Clouds On/Off Climate Intercomparison Experiment (COOKIE).
The Astex Lagrangian and Composite Lagrangian GASS/EUCLIPSE stratocumulus/cumulus transition cases.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to share new results from all aspects of CFMIP-2, EUCLIPSE and related GASS activities.
It will also be an opportunity to discuss the contribution of CFMIP/GASS/EUCLIPSE activities to the newly launched WCRP Grand Challenge on "Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity", now available via CFMIP strategy and plans .
The Thursday afternoon and Friday will be mainly on practical issues related to the EUCLIPSE project (next steps, update on cross-cutting issues, book, etc). All are welcome to attend however.

A provisional agenda appears below. Please note that the ordering in the first three days is potentially subject to change, depending on the abstracts submitted. Parallel sessions are a possibility.

If you would like to attend, please register by sending an email to Karin van der Schaft ([email protected]) by 10th April at the latest, with your name, affiliation, and the days you plan to attend. Places will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. The meeting is open to all, but space is limited so registration will close if we reach full capacity before 10th April. We will confirm whether you have a place or not by email.

If you wish to be considered for an oral presentation, please submit a title and abstract to Karin van der Schaft by 10th April at the latest.
We will consider all of the abstracts and let you know whether you have an oral slot or not by 10th May. We are not currently planning to have posters.

The meeting will be hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, at:
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Mittelweg 187
D - 20148 Hamburg

There will be an attendance fee of euro 100, payable in cash on arrival. This will among others cover coffee, tea and lunch during the meeting.

For more information, please contact Karin van der Schaft or the organizing committee.

Bjorn Stevens, Sandrine Bony, Pier Siebesma and Mark Webb

Provisional agenda:

Monday 10th June: - Cloud feedbacks, adjustments and climate sensitivity
- Precipitation in a changing climate

Tuesday 11th June:
- Model Evaluation (large-scale, process-scale using COSP, TAMIP, etc)
- St-Cu transition cases

Wednesday 12th June:
- Equilibrium phase space studies
- Cloud-circulation coupling, COOKIE & CREAM

Thursday 13th June:
- CFMIP/EUCLIPSE Synthesis papers discussion
- WCRP Grand Challenge discussion
- Review EUCLIPSE WPs and deliverables

Friday 14th June:
- Review EUCLIPSE WPs and deliverables (continued)
- EU plans following EUCLIPSE
- EUCLIPSE Summer School