Project deliverables

This table contains the list of deliverables of EUCLIPSE.
Table entries of deliverables that have been delivered are coloured.

Name/Acronym Deliverable Date Document
Project Flyer D0.1 Sept. 2011 Flyer
Kick-off Meeting D0.3 Sept. 2010 Web site
Public web site D0.4 Februari 2010 Web site
First Report (18 months) D0.5 Sept. 2011 Periodic Report
Second Report (36 months) D0.6 April 2013 Periodic Report
Third Report (54 months) D0.7 -- --
Brochure D0.8 July 2014
Summer School D0.9 Aug. 2013 Report
Edited Book D0.10 July 2014 Report
Final Report D0.11 -- --
Final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground D0.12 July 2014 Report
Final Report on "Awareness and Wider Societal Implications" D0.13 July 2014 Report
Vision Paper on future research issues in relation to climate change D0.14 July 2014 Report
Policy brief on implications of the project results on the climate decision making process D0.15 July 2014 Report
Final version of COSP software D1.1 July 2011 Report
Final versions of CALIPSO-PARASOL observational analysis product and of MODIS simulator D1.2 Jan. 2011 Analysis product/
ESM versions with COSP software D1.3 April 2011 Report
Final output of ESM simulations D1.4 Sep. 2011 Report
Final versions of model evaluations packages D1.5 Sep. 2011 Report
Reprocessed version of EUCLIPSE model data products for long-term archiving within WDCC beyond the runtime of the project D1.6 June 2014 Report
Evaluation of clouds, radiation and precipitation in ESMs using COSP, clustering and compositing techniques D2.1 July 2012 Report
Report on the evaluation of cloud-aerosols-radiation interactions in ESMs D2.2 Feb. 2013 Report
Design and application of a set of metrics that synthesises the ability of climate and weather prediction models to simulate clouds, precipitation and radiation D2.3 March 2013 Website
ESM evaluation of the ITCZ, the intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability of the tropical atmosphere, and temperature extremes over Europe D2.4 June 2012 Report
Establish links between the representation of cloud and moist processes in ESMs and their ability to simulate the ITCZ, MJO and ENSO, and temperature extremes over Europe D2.5 July 2014 Report
Diagnostic of the climate feedbacks, including global and regional spreads, produced ESMs and of cloud and precipitation responses to climate change for CMIP5 runs; comparisons with estimates from the CMIP3 models D2.6 Oct. 2012 Report
Report on the identification of the processes or cloud types most responsible for the spread in climate change cloud feedbacks and precipitation responses. D2.7 Jan. 2013 Report
Interpretation of the spread of cloud and precipiation responses among models, in interaction with WP3 and WP4 D2.8 Jan. 2014 Report
Description of the set-up for the ASTEX, the GPCI stratocumulus and shallow cumulus, and the SCM equilibrium state cases D3.1 July 2011 Description of Work
Storage of instantaneous 3D LES fields and key statistical variables in a public archive D3.2 Feb. 2012 Report
Detailed analyses of the LES and SCM results for ASTEX and the two GPCI columns D3.3 Jan. 2013 Report
Identifcation and comparison of the key quantities used in ESM parameterization schemes with LES results and observations D3.4 Jan. 2013 Report
SCM equilibrium states in the Hadley circulation D3.5 Jan. 2013 Report
Results at selected grid points (GCPI/CloudNet/ARM/AMMA) D3.6 July 2014 Report
Comparison of the hydrological and energy balance and the cloud amount as computed by ESMs D3.7 Aug. 2013 Article
Development and application of methods to exploit high frequency for understanding cloud feedbacks D3.8 Jan. 2013 Report
Quantification of the cloud-climate feedback and its uncertainty for prescribed large-sale conditions D3.9 Jan. 2013 Report
A developing database and protocol for parameter and structural (numerical) sensitivity studies D4.1 December 2012 Report
Comparison study of the model sensitivity to the numerical structure of the computations (grid and time step) with the parameter sensitivity of the model D4.2 July 2014 Report
Report on a study identifying the utility of NWP based methods for identifying and narrowing sources of divergent behaviour in cloud-climate feedbacks in ESMs D4.3 July 2014 Report
New process representations to be implemented in ESMs which will rationalise the range of responses by the models D4.4 July 2014 Report
Evaluation to what extend aerosol-cloud-climate effects depend on the representation of cloud processes D4.5 July 2014 Report
Process-related metrics that can be used as model development and evaluation tools D4.6 July 2014 Report
Revised estimates, with uncertainty bounds, of climate sensitivity from EUCLIPSE ESM ensemble D4.7 July 2014 Report