The school will consists of a series of consistent lectures presented by experts in the field. lectures will typically consists of one or two 90 minutes presentations. In addition (computer) excercise trainings will be organised.
As soon as more information becomes available it will be published here on this webpage.
i) Cloud Basics
● Lecture 1: Louise Nuijens (MPI Hamburg): Introduction and Overview
● Lecture 2: Hélène Chepfer (LMD): Clouds and radiation
● Lecture 3: Bjorn Stevens (MPI Hamburg): Cloud Dynamics
● Lecture 4: Hanna Pawlowska (Warsaw U.): Cloud Microphysics
ii) Models and their evaluations
● Lecture 5: Stephan de Roode (TU Delft): Conceptual and Theoretical Model
● Lecture 6: Françoise Guichard (Meteo France, CNRS):Cloud Resolving Models
● Lecture 7: A. Pier Siebesma (KNMI, TU Delft): Representation of clouds in large-scale models
● Lecture 8: Christian Jakob (Monash U.): Evaluation of clouds in large-scale models
iii) Cloud and Climate Processes
● Lecture 9: Gilles Bellon (Meteo France, CNRS): Tropical and subtropical Cloud systems
● Lecture 10: Gunilla Svenson (Stockholm U.): Extratropical and Polar Cloud systems
● Lecture 11: Cathy Hohenegger (MPI Hamburg): Clouds and Land Surface Interaction
● Lecture 12: Ulrike Lohmann (ETH Zurich): Clouds and Aerosols
● Lecture 13: Sandrine Bony (LMD): Clouds and Climate Change