
Summer school Lecturers

Here you can find the lectures given during the Summer school on "Clouds and Climate", 24 June - 5 July 2013 at the École de Physique des Houches, France.

Tuesday June 25, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Louise Nuijens Introduction to Clouds & Climate 1 and 2 here

Wednesday June 26, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Hélène Chepfer Clouds & Radiation 1 here
Bjorn Stevens Clouds & Thermodynamics 1 (Fluid Dynamical Descriptions) here
Hanna Pawlowska Clouds & Microphysics 1 here
Stephan de Roode Conceptual and Threoretical Models 1 here

Thursday June 27, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Hélène Chepfer Clouds & Radiation 2 here
Björn Stevens Clouds & Thermodynamics 2 --
Hanna Pawlowska Clouds & Microphysics 2 here
Françoise Guichard Clouds Resolving Models 1 here

Friday June 28, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Stephan de Roode Conceptual and Theoretical Models 2 here
Pier Siebesma Cloud Process representation in Large Scale Models 1 here
Françoise Guichard Clouds Resolving Models 2 here
Christian Jakob Evaluation of clouds in Large Scale Models 1 here
Kerry Emanuel Radiative-Convective Instability here

Saturday June 29, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Françoise Guichard Clouds Resolving Models 3 here
Pier Siebesma Cloud Process representation in Large Scale Models 2 here

Monday July 1st, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Gilles Bellon Tropical and Subtropical Systems 1 here
Sandrine Bony Clouds and Climate Sensitivity 1 here
Pier Siebesma Cloud Process representation in Large Scale Models 3 here
Christian Jakob Evaluation of clouds in Large Scale Models 2 here
Julia Slingo Uncertainty in Weather and Climate Prediction --

Tuesday July 2, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Sandrine Bony Clouds and Climate Sensitivity 2 here
Gilles Bellon Tropical and Subtropical Systems 2 here
Gunilla Svensson Extratropical and Polar Cloud Systems 1 here
Christian Jakob Evaluation of clouds in Large Scale Models 3 here

Wednesday July 3, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Johannes Quaas Clouds and Aerosols 1 here
Cathy Hohenegger Clouds and Land Surface Interaction 1 here
Gunilla Svensson Extratropical and Polar Cloud Systems 2 here
Adam Sobel Cloud-Radiative feedbacks and the Madden-Julian Oscillation here

Thursday July 4, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Sandrine Bony Clouds and Climate Sensitivity 3 here
Cathy Hohenegger Clouds and Land Surface Interaction 2 here
Gunilla Svensson Extratropical and Polar Cloud Systems 3 here
Johannes Quaas Clouds and Aerosols 2 here

Friday July 5, 2013
Name Lecturer Title Available
Cathy Hohenegger Clouds and Land Surface Interaction 3 --
Simona Bordoni Understanding the Monsoon Dynamics --
Björn Stevens Conclusions and Overview --